
Hotel Booking Information:

Sheraton Oxford Valley:
Cut-off Date for Reservations is 6/5
Click Here

Hampton Inn Willow Grove:
Cut-off Date for Reservations is 6/1
Group Code is: “IMW
Group Name is “Imageworx – Lombardi
Click Here

Welcome to the Imageworx Innovation Center where we will provide extensive offerings available for your review by many of the vital companies servicing the label, shrink, and packaging markets.

At our grand opening event, we will be featuring hardware, software, and peripheral equipment designed to provide simplicity, efficiency, technical advancements, innovation, and increased profit to today’s packaging printer. We have assembled what amounts to an ideal print shop designed to meet today’s needs and bring insight into the trends and equipment that will shape the future of our industry.

We look forward to seeing you at our grand opening event.

Open House Summer 2023 Guest Registration

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Contact Details

Company Address