Printed on a Lombardi Synchroline flexographic press with Multi-Plastics shrink material, this job showcases micro-motion technology to create a moving background that catches the viewer’s eye. This unique shrink job was produced with CMYK plus two hits of white and a line color at 170-line screen. To print Vitamax, Sero HR1 screening was used to maximize the contrast and smoothness of the vignettes. Imageworx provided art and pre-press. Inks and varnish were supplied by Cyngient. Harper aniloxes were used to provide precise ink densities. Various Lohmann tapes were utilized to maximize the fidelity of the print. Printing plates were produced at Imageworx on Miraclon Flexcel NX material using PureFlexo screening. Trim waste was removed utilizing an AirTrim, AirFlex unit which reduced trim volume by over 65%. The job was inspected and finished on a KOR slitter/inspector/rewinder using BST inspection technology.